Weihai Snowwing Outdoor Equipment., Ltd.
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China carbon fiber breakthrough again!

China carbon fiber breakthrough again!


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Human industrial technology is often built on hard materials. If man had not invented steel, he would have had a hard time making cars. And without carbon fiber, our lives would lack more tools to use. Mobile phones, cars and even aircraft and space equipment will encounter great difficulties.

Such an important material technology has been controlled in foreign hands for a long time, until August this year, China achieved a technological breakthrough.


King of materials: carbon fiber

Carbon fiber, is a fiber material composed of carbon elements.

Although carbon fiber and polyester fiber, are fiber materials, but the difference is that carbon fiber contains a large number of carbon elements, the proportion of which is even as high as 90%, infinite close to the diamond 96% carbon content threshold.

The presence of these carbon elements gives carbon fiber high temperature resistance, friction resistance, thermal conductivity and corrosion resistance

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At the same time, because the raw materials of carbon fiber are acrylic and viscose fiber, this makes carbon fiber not only has the strength of shoulder diamond, but also has the flexibility and thinness of fiber cloth.

Specifically, the diameter of a single carbon fiber can be as small as 10 to 12 times that of a human hair, and its weight is only a quarter of that of steel wire.

But even such a “filament”, its strength can reach more than four times that of aluminum alloy, or seven to ten times that of steel.

Such a huge “contrast”, in turn, means that the application prospects of carbon fiber will become extremely broad and extraordinary.

In fact, as far as the society is concerned, carbon fiber has already gained a foothold in the field of aerospace and aviation materials, whether it is satellites, rockets, missiles and aircraft, which have a large number of carbon fiber materials

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Post time: Jun-10-2023